Get the exact playbook I’ve used to earn 10 promotions in 15 years, grow from an IC to a VP, earn high 6-figures and freaking LOVE what I do.
The Corporate ladder is broken.
Everything you’ve been taught about leveling up in corporate is irrelevant.
It was true in 1976 when people stayed with the same company for 30 years!
In this century, working hard, keeping your head down, following the rules and waiting for your turn WILL NOT get you promoted.
It will make you dispensable and keep you stuck.
Why is getting promoted so damn hard? It's a mystery
The “common advice” you’ve been following isn’t working.
You’ve already outworked everyone and waited patiently and yet… no promotion.
Your manager isn't helping... they say “you’ll get there” but you keep wondering "HOW"?
You see peers make quantum leaps, grow like crazy, earn high 6-figures and do epic sh*t.
What do they do differently?
Did you miss the memo on how to get promoted?
You've probably heard this before...
"No one is hiring right now. Bad time to chase a new role"
"There’s no way someone will hire me as Director if I don’t have the title yet"
"This company doesn’t promote outside of cycle"
"I’ve only been here 12 months, how can I ask for a promotion"
That’s corporate BS. My students have:
Changed employers during an economic down turn AND got a raise
Leveled up to Director and VP roles without previous experience
Got promoted outside of promo cycle (after being told it’s not possible)
Landed a promotion 6-months into a new job
Were promoted twice in one year
AJ Eckstein,
I just got my 2nd promotion in 6 months.
I followed your advice to focus on outcomes and not outputs.
Thanks for paving the way Maya
Amanda Fleising,
The templates alone make this course a must for any professional looking to level-up their career. Maya not only gives you a proven methodology for reaching your professional objectives and but also shares foolproof tools to get you there
357+ Students Getting Promoted Into Senior Roles From Manager to The C-Suite
If you are tired of:
Working crazy hours and barely being recognized
Getting false promises of a promotion, and then being GHOSTED...
Feeling lost and frustrated because no one tells you what you REALLY need to do to get promoted…
Then you are ready to for a change!
Go From Being Passed Over to Landing Promotions Like it Was a Walk in The Park.
The Promotion Accelerator
The secret blueprint hundreds of high-achievers have been following to GUARANTEE their promotion instead of being stuck for years.
This 12-part masterclass reveals the unspoken rules that drive success in the corporate world and provide the mindset, tools and strategy to win you a promotion EVERY time.
What's Inside The Course?
Uncover what it REALLY takes to get promoted
​Understand the unspoken rules of corporate promotions
Discover the 5 elements of a promotion
Shift your perspective and think like a decision maker to gain leverage
Stop being IGNORED and GHOSTED by you manager
Turn your manager into your biggest advocate​
Align on measurable KPIs that will lead to your promotion
Ace the promotion conversation with full scripts and email templates
Turn stakeholders into RAVING fans who can do your bidding
Uncover the most important decision makers​
Master the art of stakeholder management by using human psychology to your advantage
Build meaningful relationships that would make your promotion a "hell yes"
Learn how to SELL YOURSELF the right way
Stop wasting time on meaningless email blasts no one reads
Advocate for yourself strategically to earn points WAY before you ask for a promotion
Deliver a killer business case that makes your promotion an easy YES
Get PAID to qualify yourself for a promotion
Level up your skills and grow your earning potential while being paid to do your day job
Give yourself an insurance policy to avoid being locked in with one employer
Work smarter, not harder
This 5-step promotion playbook has been perfected for over 2 decades, across dozens of industries, F500 companies and unicorn startups generating hundreds of promotions around the world.
Life Changing Results:
What's The ROI of This Course?
I can't guarantee you'll get a $10,000 raise, but leveling up could get you damn close.
ROI = 6666.67%
What you'll learn:
Getting promoted when you don’t know the rules is HARD.
Luckily this curriculum outlines the fast track to your next promotion.
You’ll get the WHY and the HOW so you can get promoted into any level, with every company, in any economy.
1. Uncover the 5 elements of a promotion
Just doing your job will not get you promoted. Uncover the 5 elements required to make a case for your promotion, get recognized and position yourself as the best candidate for the role.
2. Win over the 3 most important advocates
Learn how to make the most important stakeholders (including your manager) your biggest advocate with the invisible PR strategy, conversation scripts and email templates.
3. Use human psychology to influence senior leaders
People promote people. Understand the unspoken rules for a promotion and learn how to build trust and gain influence, so you’ll have a handful of allies who are excited to speak on your behalf.
4. Consistently increase your earning potential
The more value you create, the more valuable you become. Learn how to generate off-the-charts ROI and make every salary negotiation go in your favor.
5. Use the simple system I discovered at Google to demonstrate your impact
Leverage the simple system I learned at Google to easily track your wins and demonstrate your progress.
6. Increase your visibility even as an introvert!
Learn how to advocate for yourself without feeling pushy. Get my proprietary process for doing Invisible PR.
7. Master the elements of a promotion business case
Use my unbreakable business case template (with the secret ingredient most people miss) to highlight your achievements and make your promotion an "hell yes!".
8. Gain an unfair advantage
Leverage my secret resource for a slam dunk promotion. It’s the one thing most people never think about, and it can make or break your promotion.
Exclusive access to "Get promoted Fast and Often" workshop
The live workshop recording hosted by Maya & Tiffany Uman, Career Strategy Coach with 13+ years of Fortune 500 experience (Value: $197)
The System Behind 17 Promotions In 10 Years
The secrets no one tells you about your career but you need to know
Maya's personal guide to dealing with Imposter Syndrome and building confidence
The Confidence Playbook for mere Mortals: 15 practical tools to build confidence (Value: $297)
The exact mental models I use to manage my imposter syndrome and kick fear in the a**
The same guide that helped secure a $25,000 raise
Is The Promotion Accelerator For You?
Who is this for?
This course is for ambitious professionals who REALLY care about their job.
It's for the high achievers who can't stand to be less than who they can be, and are excited to keep growing and stretching their limits.
If you want a fulfilling and challenging career where you get to make an impact and earn high 6-figures, this is for you.
(especially is you just said LFG!! in your head)
Who shouldn't get this course
If you have been landing promotions right and left and you have a proven process to continuously grow your career, you probably don’t need this course.
If you hate your 9-5 and live for the weekend, this isn't for you.
If you think you can just BS your way into success and have no desire to grow and improve, walk away. You'll hate this course.
If getting a promotion was easy, EVERYONE would do it.
Look around you.
Most people have the same job for years and they never level up.
They get stuck for years…
Because they do the wrong things over and over again
(you do know that is the definition of insanity right?)
But you get to choose:
The HARD way to get promoted, or The Proven Playbook